▶ 주요학력
91-95 경희대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 한의학사
95-00 경희대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 한의학석사(생리학)
00-03 경희대학교 한의과대학 한의학과 한의학박사(생리학)
▶ 전공분야
전공-연구분야 : 한방생리학, 한의학교육학, 사상의학
강의분야 : 한방생리학, 의학통계학, 의학영어, 동의수세보원 등
▶ 연구분야
1. 한방생리학
2. 사상의학
3. 한의학교육학
4. 생리심리학
▶ 주요경력
1995. 3~1998. 4 특수전사령부 한방과장
2000. 3~2003. 3 한국한의학연구원 연구원
2001. 5~2003. 9 Harvard Medical School, Research Fellow
2003. 10~2005. 9 Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Research Fellow
2006. 3~2007. 8 대구한의대학교 전임강사
2006. 3~2006. 12 한방산업지원센터 임상시험지원실장
2007. 1~2007. 2 Toyama University 초빙 객원 교수
2007. 8~현재 부산대학교 한의학전문대학원 한의학과 교수
▶ 수상경력
한국문인 신인상(수필) (2008)
▶ 가입학회
▶ 연구실적
[Selected Articles]
1. H Chae et al., An Alternative Way to Individualized Medicine: Psychological and Physical Traits of Sasang Typology. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2003;9(4):519-528
2. H Chae et al., Sasang typology from a personality perspective. Journal of Korean Oriental Medicine. 2004;25(2);151-164
3. SH Park et al., Temperament and character profiles of Sasang typology in an adult clinical sample. Evidnece-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.2011;2011;794795
4. H Chae et al., Psycholoigcal Profile of sasang typology: a systematic review. Evidnece-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.2009;6(1);21-29
5. H Chae et al., Development and validation of a personality assessment instrument for traditional korean medicine: sasang personality questionnaire. Evidnece-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.2012;657013
6. SJ Lee et al., Biopsychological traits of Sasang typology based on Sasang personality questionnaire and body mass index. BMC complementary and alternative medicine 2014;14 (1);315
7. MS Lee et al., Development and validation of the digestive function assessment instrument for traditional Korean Medicine: Sasang Digestive Function Inventory (SDFI). Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013;263752
8. SJ Lee et al., The temperament and character inventory for integrative medicine. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2014;25(3);213-224
9. H Chae et al.,Universal index for Sasang typology using Cloninger's biopsychological theory. J Sasang Constitut Med. 2019;31(3);34-47
10. H Chae et al.,Development and validation of Pediatri Weakness Scale (PWS). Pediatr Korean Med. 2019;33(3);30-41
11. SJ Lee et al., Is the cognitive emotion regulation strategy related to Yin-Yang personality traits? European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2019;24-30
12. S Lee et al., Development of guideline for reporting CAse REport for Sasang medicine (CARES). J Sasang Constitut Med 2018;30(3);74-94
13. H Chae et al., Personalized acupuncture treatment with Sasang typology. Integrative medicine research. 2017;6(4);329-336
14. SH Lim et al., Pharmacognostic outlooks on medical herbs of Sasang typology. Integrative medicine research. 2017;6(3);231-239
15. SJ Lee et al., The effects of personality traits on academic burnout in Korean medical students. Integrative medicine research 2017;6(2);207-213
16. SY Han et al., The past, present, and future of traditional medicine education in Korea. Integrative medicine research 2016;5(2);73-82
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▶ 특허출원