- 1995.03.~2001.02. 배재대학교 자연과학대학 이학사
- 2001.08.~2003.09. 충남대학교 약학대학 약학석사
- 2003.09.~2006.08. 고려대학교 생명과학대학 이학박사
- 전공-연구분야: 분자유전학, 유전자치료, 단백질체학
- 강의분야: 분자유전학, 단백질체학, 분자 생리학
- 학위논문
·박사: Glutathione peroxidase 3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae regulates the activity of methionine sulfoxide
reductase depending on the redox condition
·석사: A Functional Proteomic Analysis of Secreted Fibrinolytic Enzymes from Bacillus subtilis 168 using a
Combined of Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis and Zymography
▶연구분야: 심부전, 유전자치료, 소분자물질 치료, 단백질체분석
- 2007.07.~2013.06. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Postdoctoral fellow
- 2013.07.~2014.12. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Instructor of Medicine, Cardiology
- 2015.01.~2020.02. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Assistant Professor of Medicine,
- 2020.03.~ 부산대학교 한의학전문대학원, 조교수
- 2012.06. Winner of 2011 Basic Science Award: Best Publication Award, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai.
- 2014.06. Outstanding Early Career Investigator Finalist, Basic Cardiovascular Sciences.
- 2018.07. Finalists of Annual Dean’s Healthcare System Team Science Award: Rare Disease, Icahn
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
2002 - 2007 회원, 한국단백체학회
2002 - 2003 회원, 대한약학회
2002 - 2007 회원, 한국생화학 분자생물학회
2008 - 정회원, 미국심장학회 (American Heart Association, AHA)
2010 - 정회원, 국제심장연구학회 (International Society of Heart Research, ISHR)
1. Kho C. Can Patient Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Provide Useful Modeling on Arrhythmias of DMD
Cardiomyopathy? Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2020: 17;75(10):1175-1177.
2. Magadum A, Singh N, Kurian AA, Munir I, Mehmood T, Brown K, Sharkar MTK, Chepurko E, Sassi Y, Oh JG, Lee P, Santos CXC, Gaziel-Sovran A, Zhang G, Cai CL, Kho C, Mayr M, Shah AM, Hajjar RJ, Zangi L. Pkm2 Regulates Cardiomyocyte Cell Cycle and Promotes Cardiac Regeneration. Circulation. 2020: doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.043067.
3. Oh JG, Dave J, Kho C, Stillitano F. Generation of ventricular-like hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and high quality cell preparation for calcium handling characterization. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2020: 17;(155).
4. Lim B, Jung K, Gwan Y, Oh JG, Roh JI, Hong SH, Kho C, Park WJ, Lee HW, Bae JW, Jung YK. Cardioprotective role of APIP in myocardial infarction through ADORA2B. Cell Death & Disease. 2019: 10(7): 511,
5. Oh JG, Kho C, Hajjar RJ, Ishikawa K. Experimental models of cardiac physiology and pathology. Heart Failure Reviews. 2019: 24(4): 601-615,
6. Gorski PA, Jang SP, Jeong D, Lee A, Lee P, Oh JG, Chepurko V, Yang DK, Kwak TH, Eom SH, Park ZY, Yoo YJ, Kim DH, Kook H, Sunagawa Y, Morimoto T, Hasegawa K, Sadoshima J, Vangheluwe P, Hajjar RJ, Park WJ, Kho C. Role of SIRT1 in Modulating Acetylation of the Sarco-Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in Heart Failure. Circulation Research. 2019:124(9): e63-e80,
7. Oh JG, Jang SP, Yoo J, Lee MA, Lee SH, Lim T, Jeong E, Kho C, Kook H, Hajjar RJ, Park WJ, Jeong D. Role of the PRC2-Six1-miR-25 signaling axis in heart failure. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2019: 129: 58-68.
8. Oh JG, Kho C. Cross-communication between fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes. Noncoding RNA Investigation. 2019:doi:10.21037/ncri.2019.03.03.,
9. Bikou O, Kho C, Ishikawa K. Atrial stretch and arrhythmia after myocardial infarction. Aging-US (Albany NY). 2018:11(1): 11-12.
10. Oh JG, Watanabe S, Lee A, Gorski PA, Lee P, Jeong D, Liang L, Liang Y, Baccarini A, Sahoo S, Brown BD, Hajjar RJ, Kho C. miR-146a Suppresses SUMO1 Expression and Induces Cardiac Dysfunction in Maladaptive Hypertrophy. Circulation Research. 2018:123(6): 673-685.
11. Ishikawa K, Watanabe S, Lee P, Akar FG, Lee A, Bikou O, Fish K, Kho C, Hajjar RJ. Acute Left Ventricular Unloading Reduces Atrial Stretch and Inhibits Atrial Arrhythmias. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2018:72(7): 738-750.
12. Gorski PA, Kho C, Oh JG. Measuring Cardiomyocyte Contractility and Calcium Handling In Vitro. Experimental Models of Cardiovascular Diseases. Part of the Methods in Molecular Biology book series (MIMB, volume 1816). Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana press Inc. 2018:1816: 93-104.
13. Jeong D, Yoo J, Lee P, Kepreotis SV, Lee A, Wahlquist C, Brown BD, Kho C, Mercola M, Hajjar RJ. miR-25 Tough Decoy Enhances Cardiac Function in Heart Failure. Molecular Therapy. 2017:26(3): 718-729.
14. Watanabe S, Ishikawa K, Fish K, Oh JG, Motloch LJ, Kohlbrenner E, Lee P, Xie C, Lee A, Liang L, Kho C, Leonardson L, McIntyre M, Wilson S, Samulski RJ, Kranias EG, Weber T, Akar FG, Hajjar RJ. Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor-1 Gene Therapy in a Swine Model of Nonischemic Heart Failure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2017:70(14): 1744-1756.
15. Ceholski DK, Turnbull IC, Pothula V, Lecce L, Jarrah AA, Kho C, Lee A, Hadri L, Costa KD, Hajjar RJ, Tarzami ST. CXCR4 and CXCR7 play distinct roles in cardiac lineage specification and pharmacologic β-adrenergic response. Stem Cell Research. 2017:23: 77-86.
16. Aguero J, Ishikawa K, Hadri L, Santos-Gallego CG, Fish KM, Kohlbrenner E, Hammoudi N, Kho C, Lee A, Ib??ez B, Garc?a-Alvarez A, Zsebo K, Maron BA, Plataki M, Fuster V, Leopold JA, Hajjar RJ. Intratracheal Gene Delivery of SERCA2a Ameliorates Chronic Post-Capillary Pulmonary Hypertension: A Large Animal Model. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2016:67(17): 2032-2046.
17. Jeong D, Lee MA, Li Y, Yang DK, Kho C, Oh JG, Hong G, Lee A, Song MH, LaRocca TJ, Chen J, Liang L, Mitsuyama S, D'Escamard V, Kovacic JC, Kwak TH, Hajjar RJ, Park WJ. Matricellular Protein CCN5 Reverses Established Cardiac Fibrosis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2016:67(13): 1556-1568.
18. Lee A, Oh JG, Gorski PA, Hajjar RJ, Kho C. Post-translational Modifications in Heart Failure: Small Changes, Big Impact. Heart Lung and Circulation. 2016:25(4): 319-324.
19. B?nard L, Oh JG, Cacheux M, Lee A, Nonnenmacher M, Matasic DS, Kohlbrenner E, Kho C, Pavoine C, Hajjar RJ, Hulot JS. Cardiac Stim1 Silencing Impairs Adaptive Hypertrophy and Promotes Heart Failure Through Inactivation of mTORC2/Akt Signaling. Circulation. 2016:133(15): 1458-1471.
20. Kho C, Lee A, Jeong D, Oh JG, Gorski PA, Fish K, Sanchez R, DeVita RJ, Christensen G, Dahl R, Hajjar RJ. Small-molecule activation of SERCA2a SUMOylation for the treatment of heart failure. Nature Communications. 2015:6: 7229.
21. Ishikawa K, Fish K, Aguero J, Yaniz-Galende E, Jeong D, Kho C, Tilemann L, Fish L, Liang L, Eltoukhy AA, Anderson DG, Zsebo K, Costa KD, Hajjar RJ. Stem cell factor gene transfer improves cardiac function after myocardial infarction in swine. Circulation-Heart Failure. 2015:8(1): 167-174.
22. Lee A, Jeong D, Mitsuyama S, Oh JG, Liang L, Ikeda Y, Sadoshima J, Hajjar RJ, Kho C. The role of SUMO-1 in cardiac oxidative stress and hypertrophy. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 2014:21(14): 1986-2001.
23. Wahlquist C, Jeong D, Rojas-Mu?oz A, Kho C, Lee A, Mitsuyama S, van Mil A, Park WJ, Sluijter JP, Doevendans PA, Hajjar RJ, Mercola M. Inhibition of miR-25 improves cardiac contractility in the failing heart. Nature. 2014:508(7497): 531-535.
24. Vandeput F, Szabo-Fresnais N, Ahmad F, Kho C, Lee A, Krall J, Dunlop A, Hazel MW, Wohlschlegel JA, Hajjar RJ, Houslay MD, Manganiello VC, Movsesian MA. Selective regulation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase PDE3A isoforms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013:110(49): 19778-19783.
25. Tilemann L, Lee A, Ishikawa K, Aguero J, Rapti K, Santos-Gallego C, Kohlbrenner E, Fish KM, Kho C, Hajjar RJ. SUMO-1 gene transfer improves cardiac function in a large-animal model of heart failure. Science Translational Medicine. 2013:5(211): 211ra159.
26. Kho C, Lee A, Hajjar RJ. Altered sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium cycling--targets for heart failure therapy. Nature Reviews Cardiology. 2012:9(12): 717-733.
27. Oh JG, Jeong D, Cha H, Kim JM, Lifirsu E, Kim J, Yang DK, Park CS, Kho C, Park S, Yoo YJ, Kim DH, Kim J, Hajjar RJ, Park WJ. PICOT increases cardiac contractility by inhibiting PKCζ activity. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2012:53(1): 53-63.
28. Kho C, Lee A, Jeong D, Oh JG, Chaanine AH, Kizana E, Park WJ, Hajjar RJ. SUMO1-dependent modulation of SERCA2a in heart failure. Nature. 2011:477(7366): 601-605.
29. Kho C, Lee A, Jeong D, Hajjar RJ. Refilling Intracellular Calcium Stores. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Mechanisms. 2010:7(2): e145-e150.
30. Bae Y, Kho CW, Lee SY, Rhim H, Kang S. Hip2 interacts with and destabilizes Smac/DIABLO. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2010:397(4): 718-723.
31. Chen J, Chemaly E, Liang L, Kho C, Lee A, Park J, Altman P, Schecter AD, Hajjar RJ, Tarzami ST. Effects of CXCR4 gene transfer on cardiac function after ischemia-reperfusion injury. American Journal of Pathology. 2010:176(4): 1705-1715.
32. Jin H, Chemaly ER, Lee A, Kho C, Hadri L, Hajjar RJ, Akar FG. Mechanoelectrical remodeling and arrhythmias during progression of hypertrophy. FASEB Journal. 2010:24(2): 451-463.
33. Lee PY, Bae KH, Kho CW, Kang S, Lee DH, Cho S, Kang S, Lee SC, Park BC, Park SG. Interactome analysis of yeast glutathione peroxidase 3. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008:18(8): 1364-1367.
34. Kho CW, Lee PY, Bae KH, Kang S, Cho S, Lee DH, Sun CH, Yi GS, Park BC, Park SG. Gpx3-dependent responses against oxidative stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008:18(2): 270-282.
35. Lee PY, Kho CW, Lee DH, Kang S, Kang S, Lee SC, Park BC, Cho S, Bae KH, Park SG. Glutathione peroxidase 3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae suppresses non-enzymatic proteolysis of glutamine synthetase in an activity-independent manner. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2007:362(2): 405-409.
36. Kho CW, Lee PY, Bae KH, Cho S, Lee ZW, Park BC, Kang S, Lee DH, Park SG. Glutathione peroxidase 3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae regulates the activity of methionine sulfoxide reductase in a redox state-dependent way. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2006:348(1): 25-35.
37. Choi SL, Choi YS, Kim YK, Sung ND, Kho CW, Park BC, Kim EM, Lee JH, Kim KM, Kim MY, Myung PK. Proteomic analysis and the antimetastatic effect of N-(4-methyl)phenyl-O-(4-methoxy) phenyl-thionocarbamate-induced apoptosis in human melanoma SK-MEL-28 cells. Archives of Pharmacal Research. 2006:29(3): 224-234.
38. Lee KA, Kang JW, Shim JH, Kho CW, Park SG, Lee HG, Paik SG, Lim JS, Yoon DY. Protein profiling and identification of modulators regulated by human papillomavirus 16 E7 oncogene in HaCaT keratinocytes by proteomics. Gynecologic Oncology. 2005:99(1): 142-152.
39. Lee Y, Lee DH, Kho CW, Lee AY, Jang M, Cho S, Lee CH, Lee JS, Myung PK, Park BC, Park SG. Transthyretin-related proteins function to facilitate the hydrolysis of 5-hydroxyisourate, the end product of the uricase reaction. FEBS Letters. 2005:579(21): 4769-4774.
40. Kho CW, Park SG, Cho S, Lee DH, Myung PK, Park BC. Confirmation of Vpr as a fibrinolytic enzyme present in extracellular proteins of Bacillus subtilis. Protein Expression and Purification. 2005:39(1): 1-7.
41. Kho CW, Park SG, Lee DH, Cho S, Oh GT, Kang S, Park BC. Activity staining of glutathione peroxidase after two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Molecules and Cells. 2004:18(3): 369-373.
42. Lee AY, Goo Park S, Kho CW, Young Park S, Cho S, Lee SC, Lee DH, Myung PK, Park BC. Identification of the degradome of Isp-1, a major intracellular serine protease of Bacillus subtilis, by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight analysis. Proteomics. 2004:4(11): 3437-3445.
43. Lee KA, Shim JH, Kho CW, Park SG, Park BC, Kim JW, Lim JS, Choe YK, Paik SG, Yoon DY. Protein profiling and identification of modulators regulated by the E7 oncogene in the C33A cell line by proteomics and genomics. Proteomics. 2004:4(3): 839-848.
44. Kho CW, Cho S, Lee DH, Kim SH, Park BC. A functional proteomic analysis of secreted fibrinolytic enzymes from Bacillus subtilis 168 using a combined method of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and zymography. Proteomics. 2002:2(2): 206-211.
2013.08 출원. WO2014036268. Indole derivatives as sumo activators.
2017.12 출원. US9845320B2. Benzothiazole or benzoxazole compounds as sumo activators.
2018.10 출원. US10105422B2. Sumoylation of serca2a and cardiovascular disease.
2019.04 출원. EP2890379B1. Benzothiazole or benzoxazole compounds as sumo activators.