주요논문 | 관심연구분야 (Research Interests)
구강조직 및 세포생물학
플라즈마생물학 (biophysics)
대표연구논문 (Publication)
1. Yong-Jun Hong, Seung-Min Lee, Gyoo-Cheon Kim, Jae-Koo Lee: Modeling high-pressure microplasmas: comparison of fluid modeling and particle-in-cell monte carlo collision modeling, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 5:000-000.
2. Ganyoung Park, Hyunwoo Lee, Gyoocheon Kim, Jaekoo Lee: Global model of HE/O2 and Ar/O2 atmospheric pressure glow discharges, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 5:000-000.
1) 김규천, 이해준, 손채화: RF 플라즈마 및 전기장의 흑색종 (G361 melanoma) 세포에 대한 사멸 효과, 전기학회 논문지 P, 56;1972-1977.
2) 김용덕, 김성식, 김규천, 신상훈, 김욱규, 김종렬, 정인교: Effect of Low-Level Laser Treatment After Installation of Dental Titanium Implant-Immunohistochemical Study of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor:An Experimental Study in Rats, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 4:681-685.
3) 김용덕, 김성식, 김규천, 박수병, 손우성: Effect of Low-Level Laser Treatment During Tooth Movement-Immunohistochemical Study of RANKL, RANK, OPG:An Experimental Study in Rats, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 4:616-623.
4) 김규천, 민지학, 김도균, 이무형, 배문경, 엄경일, 곽현호, 박봉수: Mutational analysis of tumor suppressor gene p53 in human oral squamous carcinoma cell line YD-9, International Journal of Oral Biology, 32:79-84.
5) 김규천, 박봉수, 곽현호, 구병찬, 이무형: Pseudomonas aeruginosa로부터 FPLC를 이용한 protease IV의 분리와 그것의 사람구강편평상피암종세포에 미치는 세포독성효과, 대한구강해부학회지, 31:39-49.